Welcome to our Voyage Agency




+7 965 777 77 77

Opening Time

10.00 - 20.00


Our Services


We give your immigration case the personal attention it deserves & help you settle in the country of your choice.

Immigration Consultation

Consulting our expert will enable you to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the immigration process. Every individual is in a different situation and discussing the issues with the Immigration Consultants followed by their advices will increase the chances of success on your Visa Applications. Raise queries to the Immigration consultants to eliminate all your concerns and get a clear picture of the entire scenario lying ahead of you.

Visa Eligibility Assessment

The Voyage Visa Assessment is designed to instantly determine if you are eligible to apply for a migration visa. The assessment takes only a few minutes to complete. It is easy to follow and your results are instant. The questions in the assessment have been specifically designed to act as a preliminary test for you to see if you meet the requirements for your visa.

Immigrant Visa Application Processing Assistance

This state-of-the-art software is aimed at providing solutions to facilitate the automation of Immigration/Visa application processing by our office. Through this advanced technological software, we intend to create a hassle-free process where gradually the dependency on manual processes is minimized and the tedious process of submitting documents and information to our office as well as our office providing documents and information to you becomes completely automated.

Client Assistance

Client Assistance Program provides a direct one-on-one comprehensive information and referral assistance on basic needs and safety net services. Our experienced attorneys assist with obtaining temporary or permanent immigration status for executive, managerial and professional employees, as well as with other immigration-related matters.

Pre Landing Immigration Services

  • Provide basic information about the destination country.
  • Prepare, orient and condition clients through Employment Readiness Course for their early settlement in the destination country after the client clears the Interview at the processing visa office or gets Interview Waiver for immigration to the destination country.
  • Assist them in preparing resume as per international standard format as required by employers.

Post Landing  Immigration Service

There are so many things to consider when settling into a new country with a brand new system and culture. We can assist you with:


  • Assistance in finding a place to live – Rent or Purchase
  • Applying for various memberships, such as health card, social insurance number, etc.
  • Opening a bank account
  • Searching for work
  • Children school admission